The Band in olden times

​​Travelling back in time to the various eras that mark the history of the Navy Band, we show you several photos of its olden days.

António Maria Chéu  

 The Navy Band, led by maestro Manuel Maria Baltazar, in formation, next to the Belém Tower, in 1981.

António Maria Chéu  

The Navy Band leading the military forces in parades along Rua Augusta, in 1957, during the visit of Queen Elizabeth II of England. The leader of the Band is maestro Marcos Romão dos Reis Júnior.

António Maria Chéu  

The Charanga on board the training ship Sagres, in the years 1950-56, led by the then 2nd sergeant musician Ernesto Rudolfo Gaxineiro.

António Maria Chéu  

The 'Charanga da Armada' at 'Quartel do Corpo de Marinheiros', in Alcântara, in 1899, led by António Maria Chéu. We highlight the use of wooden instruments, which are not visible in the photos of the Charanga taken in 1863 and 1868.

António Maria Chéu  

The 'Charanga da Armada', in 1868, at the Alcântara Barracks, led by Arthur Frederico Reinhardt.

This photo taken in 1863 is the first of the known photos showing maestro Reinhardt leading the 'Charanga da Armada'. If we compare this photo with the one taken in 1868, we can see that the uniforms and the musicians, except for the maestro, are different.