Maestro Délio Gonçalves


Head of the Navy Band 


He was born in Azambuja, where he started his musical studies, initially learning the Clarinet with Maestro João Teófilo, and later learning the Bassoon with Professor Carolino Carreira. In 1990, he took the Course in Orchestral Techniques for Wind Instrumentalists, Bassoon at the Menendéz Pelayo University. In 1991, after a public tender, he joined the Portuguese Navy Band, where he took on the position of 1st Bassoon Soloist. In 1992, he was admitted at the Almada Professional Music School, where he continued and completed his Bassoon studies with Professor Carolino Carreira. As a young musician, he collaborated with the Portuguese Youth Orchestras and, professionally, with an intense activity, he worked with the most varied ensembles and orchestras of our country, recited solo, and performed in concerts with many different chamber music ensembles. In 2001, he completed his studies in Band, Fanfare Band and Brass Band Conducting at the Royal Music Conservatorium in Maastricht, The Netherlands, where he studied with Professor Jo Conjaerts. In 2002, he took public examinations in the Navy Band to become Naval Musician Officer. Then he attended the Naval School's Complementary Military Officer Training Course, after which he was promoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant. Currently, his activity is focused on directing, working not only with professional musicians and groups, but also in the amateur environment, where he develops an intense activity, not only directing, but also teaching in Music Internships and Workshops, and collaborating with the most diverse musical events, both in Portugal and abroad. He is the mentor and organiser of several outstanding musical events in our country.

With the rank of Frigate Captain, Délio Gonçalves is the Chief Conductor of the Portuguese Navy Band. Commander Délio Gonçalves has received several commendations and decorations throughout his career: two Military Medals for Distinguished Service - Silver Grade; the 2nd Class Military Medal of Merit; the 2nd Class St. George's Cross; four Naval Cross Medals - 2nd and 3rd Class, and the Military Medal for Exemplary Behaviour - Silver Grade.