Endangered aquatic species in Portugal

Red Lists indicate the conservation status of wild species, according to criteria that assess the risk of extinction, and present information on populations, threats, and conservation measures. Their aim is to draw attention to the decrease in biological diversity on a regional and global scale.

In Portugal, the last revision of the Red List of Vertebrates took place in 2005 and included the assessment of freshwater and migratory fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. With regard to aquatic species, the main threat factors that were identified are generally related to the destruction, degradation and fragmentation of natural habitats, resulting from human activities.

  • Among the conservation measures that contribute to the recovery of threatened aquatic species, we should highlight the following:

 - Pollution control (water pollution, floating rubbish, persistent waste, etc.);

 - Restoring the natural hydrological regime and longitudinal continuity of rivers;

 - Preserving riparian galleries and wetlands (e.g. ponds, water mines, lagoons and bogs, estuaries and coastal areas).

We chose a fish, an amphibian, a reptile, a bird, and a mammal that are currently endangered in Portugal and that you can find in the permanent exhibition of the Vasco da Gama Aquarium. You can find out a little more about each of these species and what we can do to preserve them.

OSPREY "Pandion haliaetus"

The osprey, Pandion haliaetus, lives near water, in rivers, lakes and sea shores where there are trees. To hunt, it flies over the water and, when it spots a fish, it drops down with its paws pointed forward, and may dive completely submerging its body or just touch the surface of the water.



"Chondrostoma lusitanicum"

The 'Chondrostoma lusitanicum' only exists in the Sado river basin, in the lower part of the Tagus river basin and in the small creeks that flow into the sea north of Lisbon, up to the river Lizandro. This species is Critically Endangered and many of the populations that appear in suburban creeks are subject to extremely polluted and degraded environments.



Lobo-marinho "Monachus monachus"

O Lobo-marinho Monachus monachus é a única espécie de foca que vive em território português, mais concretamente no Arquipélago da Madeira. Na verdade, as focas do género Monachus vivem em águas relativamente quentes, constituindo diferentes populações em zonas tropicais e subtropicais.



Salamandra-lusitânica "Chioglossa lusitanica"

A Salamandra-lusitânica é uma espécie endémica da Península Ibérica com estatuto de conservação Vulnerável que vive exclusivamente em zonas húmidas, tais como grutas, sob pedras ou musgos perto de nascentes, regatos ou ribeiros de águas cristalinas.



Tartaruga-comum "Caretta caretta"

A Tartaruga-comum Caretta caretta é uma espécie migradora visitante (não reprodutora) que passa a fase inicial do ciclo de vida em águas oceânicas portuguesas, podendo considerar-se visitante nas águas insulares dos Açores e da Madeira e uma espécie ocasional nas águas continentais.
