River guardians' Tribe

For many years, the Vasco da Gama Aquarium has been collaborating with ISPA, ÁGUAS DO TEJO ATLÂNTICO and environmental protection associations in nature conservation projects dedicated to the recovery of native populations of endangered freshwater fish, such as the project 'Peixes Nativos' (insert hyperlink to https://peixesnativos.pt/). 

By developing 'ex-situ' conservation techniques for species such as the 'Ruivaco-do-Oeste' (Achondrostoma occidentale), a species endemic to the Western Portugal region, the Aquarium has been breeding fish collected from stretches of streams where it aims to release their offspring.

Some fish release activities are closely monitored by the schools that are located near the banks of these streams, involving the students in a task that extends throughout the school year. And you? Do you want to know your local river?



This programme is aimed at students in grades 1 to 6 in schools in the Lisbon metropolitan area.

Throughout the school year, we hold three meetings with the school group:

Session 1: At school, in the classroom, we will introduce the programme, offer a kit with educational materials, and challenge kids and adults to learn more about their local river;

Session 2: At the Vasco da Gama Aquarium, a behind-the-scenes tour will introduce them to breeding techniques and our native freshwater fish species;

Session 3: By the river, we will discover the plants and animals that depend on its water and banks and learn how to take better care of their habitats.


These activities are free and registration does not include transportation for the school group. These meetings must be booked in advance by contacting the Educational Service via the following e-mail address:
